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€ 350,000


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Mtarfa - appartament mdaqqas kantuniera, mdawwal u arjuż. L-appartament għandu tlett ikmamar tas-sodda, li jikkonsistu f'żewġ ikmamar kbar (2 main bedrooms double bed) u ohra ta' sodda wahda (spare bedroom ). Waħda mill-kmamar il-kbar tista' tiġi ikkonvertita f'kamra tas-sodda bl-ensuite u walk-in wardrobe. L-appartament għandu wkoll kamra tal-kċina, kamra ta' l-ikel bil-fireplace, kamra tal-banju, kamra tas-salott kif ukoll intrata, li tista tintuża bħala kamra / open plan. Quddiem il-bieb ta' barra hemm terrazzin/parapett mdaqqas, u fuq il-binja hemm bejt daqs il-post kollu, bl-arja tiegħu. L-appartament qiegħed l-ewwel sular u mingħajr lift. Min hu interessat iċempel lis-sid fuq 21459373. SENSARA MA JIĠUX IKKUNSIDRATI

MTARFA - spacious apartment in a squarish layout enjoying nice views and natural light. The layout consists in three bedrooms (one large enough that can be easily be converted in a bedroom with an ensuite and a walk-in wordrobe, another double bedroom and a spare bedroom). The apartment has a spacious bathroom, separate kitchen, separate dining room with fireplace and chimney, hallway (which can be used as a room/open plan) and sitting room. The property enjoys a large front terrace and a good sized roof on all the layout of the property with ownership. The apartment is situated on 1st floor without lift. Call owner on 21459373. AGENTS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED

Price 350,000 Euros

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Apartment / FlatMtarfaFinished

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