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€ 8.00


Consciousness by Anton Sammut
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The human brain: the most sophisticated instrument in the known universe. What is this human brain which has the mental ability to create such marvels due to its Consciousness? What is this Consciousness that has so perplexed the great philosophers of all time? What makes a person himself and not another, completely different individual? What are the various levels of Consciousness? Is it true that the Consciousness of every person is infinite? And above all, why do the greatest minds in modern physics maintain that the Consciousness is also part of the universe?
These are some of the questions that this book attempts to answer with the helping hand of contemporary science that shall aid in the understanding of one of the greatest mysteries of mankind: the Consciousness of man.
“Consciousness, ‘the ultimate mystery for science’, has now become a hot topic. How can a physical brain create our experience of the World and what creates our identity?

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